Available Now: Lighting the Sacred Fire

My fourth book of spiritual nonfiction is available now. Lighting the Sacred Fire addresses the topic of spiritual practice. Are the different paths to the truth? Are there stages on the spiritual journey? What are the major obstacles and how can we overcome them? These questions and more are answered, and practical advice is offered for both seasoned practitioners and those just setting out on the path.

I’m very happy to finally share this book with everyone, as it has been two years in the making and a little past due. If you’ve been following this series of books, it is a worthy successor to what I’ve written thus far and breaks new ground on the topic of spiritual practice. Here’s the copy from the back cover:

There is a difference between intellectual understanding and direct experience, between theory and real knowledge. On the spiritual journey, walking the path means actually engaging in practice. Lighting the Sacred Fire illuminates the overall process of spiritual practice and offers straight-forward advice on overcoming a wide range of traps and obstacles. Aspiring and seasoned practitioners of any tradition or no tradition will benefit from the clear insight and inspiration contained within this book.

I hope you enjoy the book and find something helpful in it. As always, please post a review on Amazon if you get a chance. It a huge help for others finding the book and for me continuing to do this work.


Coming Soon: Lighting the Sacred Fire

My fourth book of spiritual nonfiction is coming soon. Lighting the Sacred Fire addresses the topic of spiritual practice. Are the different paths to the truth? Are there stages on the spiritual journey? What are the major obstacles and how can we overcome them? These questions and more are answered, and practical advice is offered for both seasoned practitioners and those just setting out on the path.

I’m looking forward to getting this book out soon in both print and ebook formats. Here’s the copy from the back cover:

There is a difference between intellectual understanding and direct experience, between theory and real knowledge. On the spiritual journey, walking the path means actually engaging in practice. Lighting the Sacred Fire illuminates the overall process of spiritual practice and offers straight-forward advice on overcoming a wide range of traps and obstacles. Aspiring and seasoned practitioners of any tradition or no tradition will benefit from the clear insight and inspiration contained within this book.

Stay tuned for the release sometime in May. :)

When You are Silent Audiobook

The audibook for When You are Silent It Speaks is now available on Amazon, Audible, and ACX. Narrated by me, this is the second audiobook I’ve recorded. The audiobook for That Which is Before You has been out since 2021. If you enjoy audiobooks and are interested in nonduality, enlightenment, and the spiritual path, I hope you’ll give them a listen.

I very happy to be able to record these audiobooks and share these words in the voice of the author. I’m speaking from direct experience in these books and hope a bit of that experience shines through in the reading itself.

It’s a somewhat long and arduous process to record these audiobooks. At times, my voice get tired or strained and I have to take a break for a few days. With a sustainable pace and editing, progress is relatively slow. This one took six months to finish — longer than I expected, but that’s the way of most projects. :)

Although I’m eager to record the audiobook for A Billion Fingers Point at the Moon, I’ll be taking a break from audiobooks for a while in order to complete work on some other projects, including the next book in this series, which addresses spiritual practice (Lighting the Sacred Fire is due out by the end of the year).

Whether in print, ebook, or audio, it’s been great to share these books with readers. And it’s a real joy to hear they are hitting their mark and having a positive impact on the spiritual lives of others. I look forward to continuing this series with a few additional books and audiobooks covering new topics and expanded teachings. Here are the books available now: